Together We Can

End Human Trafficking

In Effingham County, One Person At A Time

Be the Change. Stay Connected.

Stay informed on the latest news, resources, and volunteer opportunities with the 57/70 Task Force.


Our mission is to educate the community for purpose of spotting, reporting, and ultimately eliminating human trafficking in Effingham County, one person at a time.

Survivor Stories

Each story is a testament to the indomitable spirit of survivors who have overcome unimaginable challenges. Journey with us as survivors bravely share their lived experiences, shedding light on the complexities of human trafficking and the strength required to break free from its chains. These stores are not just tales of survival; they are beacons of hope, illustrating the transformative power of courage, support, and resilience.

News & Events

Your source for updates on 57/70 Task Force’s ongoing efforts against human trafficking is here. Discover the latest initiatives, collaborations, and success stores as we work towards a world free from exploitation. Stay informed on awareness campaigns, legislative wins, and community events, joining us in the collective effort to eradicate human trafficking and ensure the dignity and freedom of every individual.

Education & Online Training

We offer a range of educational resources and online training modules designed to raise awareness, enhance understanding, and equip our community with the tools to identify and prevent trafficking. Join us in the pursuit of knowledge as we strive to build a world where education becomes a powerful weapon against exploitation, fostering a society committed to eradicating this heinous crime.